Friday, May 16, 2008

Come one, come all to the big box

Precocious and talented, they're our chicks.

Baby chicks are considered precocial because upon hatching, they can leave the nest, follow their parent and feed themselves almost immediately. In contrast, birds such as woodpeckers, songbirds and pigeons are labelled altricial because post hatching, they are naked, blind (eyes closed), and helpless.

We have made some unscientific observation of just how precocious these birds are, and have concluded from recent sightings that when that you are a chicken, it is never too early to develop job skills. In fact, we may have a Cirque du Soleil chicken training camp operating on the front porch.

The amazing Peeper

And the Triangulating Trio

A visit from Dad

Dad has been visiting our lawn on and off for at least a year now, but we've seen him every day this week.
The question is: is he being an attentive father, or does he want to eat these chicks? We're not sure. However he is keeping very close company with the hen mentioned in yesterday's posting. Suburban chicken finds the parading of his new hen hussie in front of the chicks and their mother to be in very poor taste.

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